07-15-2023 Day 8

Today travel day we got up and had our usual breakfast and lunch packing. Had to pack up my tent and shove my sleeping pad and bag into their bags which is always a pain. Not to mention packing up the science equipment into the truck always fun trying not to break expensive equipment. And after we finished, we went down to Bend Oregon library to post our blog from the last few days, when we didn’t have a signal. We were there for a couple hours turns out my blog needed some polishing before being posted. I got it done obviously if you're reading this just know it was in much worse shape before being posted. Afterward we headed to the new camping site in Umatilla, that took us what felt like forever but really it was like 4 hours. But for some reason the maps wanted to take to a scenic route, so we took a longer route along some back roads most of the time we wondered if we were going to make it (as in maybe murdered). Turns out we did but it was kind of late, so it was getting set up and going to bed really travel day are always fun.


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