07-17-23 Day 10

Today wasn’t too bad we were 20 minutes away from our activity which mean we slept till 7:00. Well for me it more like 6:40 but that’s only cause a caterpillar was crawling on my face, once I got it out of my tent. I was awake and it was doubtful that I could go back to sleep, so I just started chilling. Then it was the usual we had breakfast/making our lunches for the day. Then we headed out and down the road was CTUIR or Walla Walla fishery we met up with Tila and John. Tilla was a habitat biologist and John is a tech they took us through their river restoration the Walla Walla River. It is a very fast pace and straight water way they helped slow it down and create larger habitats for different struggling species. But their job doesn’t end there they also deal with invasive species, the easiest to see were the weeds a large group was Bow/Canadian thistle. We also checked out water invertebrates which are bugs who spend at least a part of their life cycle in the water, and we found some who are about to hatch we also found a stone fly. To find invertebrates like those are a good sign for a healthy habitat which is awesome, after the fun outside. We headed back in to have a tour at the fishery the tour was guided by Jason who manages the fishery. He had a lot cool things to show and tell us they had different vats for the fishes then Wizard Falls fishery, but it was cool. The design was to be self-cleaning by having water come in at a certain way it created a vortex then it had a drain in the floor to waste and then it also had another on the side to have the water sent back to the river. Which is where they get the water from in the first place using very large pumps that have a ton of power. They also had a very technical computer controlling so much of the fishery and it can be accessed via anywhere online and they have 3 people living onsite in case of incident. We had a wonderful tour then a quick lunch we headed back to camp to continue our water experiment. Today we did the gram stain on the bacteria we isolated from the Upper Deschutes River this time I had a Gram-positive bacterium, and it was rod shaped, so the fun continues tomorrow.

Stone fly pulled from the Walla Walla River

Little info on the fishery

Advanced computer controlling most things

Blurry Picture of fish (best I can do)

Gram stain showing gram positive bacterium.


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